CFPE meets in Athens
Our meeting in Athens enabled us to plan ahead.
Our CFPE meeting in Athens enabled us to plan our Young Directors Award for Cannes, the World Producers Summit- also in Cannes, discuss how the Ten Universal Principles of Production document, which we launched last year with the AICP and other producers associations around the world was working in practice.
We also met with producers from PACT, the Greek producers association and discussed the issues commercials producers face in Greece and learnt how they are dealing with them. Our thanks to PACT for hosting the meeting.
Elections for the CFPE also took place and the following were elected:
- CFP-e President: Francois Chilot
- CFP-e Executive Vice President: Steve Davies, Manfred Vogelsanger
- CFP-e Vice President: Rudi Haller, Mikis Modiano, Ender Sevim, Ari Laitinen
- CFP-e Treasurer: Bea Catteeuw
- CFP-e Board Member: Indre Petrukaitiene, Vuk Marjanovic, Jan Kallista