2022 Brussels Summit

Looking back at our 2022 summit in Brussels.
The gathering which was hosted by the Belgium Association – BCPB (Brand Content Producers Belgium) was attended by 13 European countries:
- Austria
- Belgium
- Czech Republic
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Ireland
- Serbia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- United Kingdom
Action points agreed:
The addition of three new principles to be added to The CFP-E Universal Principles Document:
- Sequential Liability
- Diversity Commitment
- Sustainability Commitment
- The development and implementation of the CFP-E Production Briefing Document.
Using a unified briefing document across Europe will aid towards a transparent and clear system across all commercial productions by which the production company bidding has all the information they need for the bid, including lengths, deliverables, budget, number of production companies bidding and much more.